Wakasa Bay in Japan
This photo was taken by Uguisu. Here is Japan. The point that ...
This photo was taken by Uguisu. Here is Japan. The point that ...
This photo was taken by Raavana-1. This is Sri Lanka.The Sri Lanka's ...
The BIRDS3 satellite took sun and the Earth. If you look carefully, y...
This photo which was taken by BIRDS-3 satellite is shown Philippines...
This photo taken over the Japan by Uguisu. However we could not recog...
This photo was taken by Raavana-1. In this photo, China, Taiwan and m...
We could capture the Himalayas by NepaliSat-1. We can see the snow w...
This photo was taken by NepaliSat-1. It is difficult to see, but ther...
This photo is shown China and South Korea. We can see the Yellow Sea...
This photo was taken by BIRDS3 satellite. The clouds which are over t...